Lindi Lauren At The Black & White Ball
Lindi Lauren At The Black & White Ball
Blog Article
Kauai, Hawaii December 8h, 2007 – Lindi Lauren top model for In Style Modeling of Hollywood supported the fabulous Black & White Charity ball December 1st at Kauai s beautiful Lindi Lauren at the Black & White BallPrinceville hotel. This annual event hosted by the Hanalei Rotary Club is the event of the year for the Islands . Fantastic food, dancing and a charity auction filled the night. Lindi interviewed the legendary B.B. Choy of the swing band The Blond Boys. The highlight for Lindis night was the chance to come back to her island Kauai and be with her many friends and help out the community. Lindi who is also the spokesperson for Model Vanity of California does many charity events and has spent much time on the Red Carpet interviewing celebrities.
She was a striking figure in her breathtaking full length white gown with sequined tropical designs. This gown was made for her by her personal designers Terri Schield and Brenda Vidihna at the highly regarded T.L.C. boutique. Lindi was even interviewed by Santa Clause who was trying to find out if she had been naughty or nice the past year. With Lindis many charity events it is easy to see she has been nice. A great time was had by all when Lindi danced the night away with Santa himself.
Later this month Lindi will be competing for the final selection of Miss Golden State. Having previously taken the swimsuit competition in Hollywood the final formal evening wear competition and crowning will be held here in Kauai at the breathtaking Princeville hotel. There will be a festive air for this 스포츠중계 event with the hotel in its Christmas regalia.
Lindi will also be having a charity event of her own on Dec. 24 at Tradewinds the hottest night club on Kauai . Lindi will be donating a one of a kind surf board with her full size image on it in a bikini. All proceeds will go to the Humane Society her favorite charity. Lindi has rescued many animals over the years. She is known to be running all over the island of Kauai when she is home with her dog whom she rescued 5 years ago in Kauai . Her dogs name is Hannah who will soon have her own line of products Miss Diva Dog. Keep a look out for them on
Californias Miss Golden State, Lindi Lauren, announces a Christmas Eve Charity Raffle to benefit the Kauai Humane Society
(RapidPressRelease) Kauai, Hawaii November 27, 2007- Lindi Lauren will Raffle off her new Hawaiian Surf Candy 9’6″ Jimmy Lewis of Maui designed surfboard with her life size picture on it. A winner will be drawn Christmas Eve at Tradewinds “a South Seas Bar” on Kauai. You do not have to be present to win and it can be shipped. Winner pays shipping. Raffle tickets are $5 each. The board is valued at more than $900. All proceeds will be donated to the Kauai humane society.
Lindi is the spokesperson for Model Vanity and does celebrity interviews for all the top events. Lindi calls on all of the Kauai residents to participate in the raffle for a good cause. It just part of being a good citizen says Lauren.
Lauren has set up a point of purchase on her myspace page for those how cant get to the Tradewinds. Find raffle info and more on Lindi on her myspace page. See or just Google Lindi Lauren.
Lindy will make a public appearance at “Tradewinds A South Seas Bar” on Christmas Eve with owners Gerry and Kathy Maguire. She will make the presentation to the lucky winner.
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